5 4ȣ, December 2008
ISSN : 1738-4125 (Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509 (Online)
Distribution of Concentration on Volatile Organic Compounds in Hospital
The airms of this study are to examine the concentrations of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in hospitals and to compare concentrations of VOCsin hospital with public facilities. Mean concentraton of total volatile organic compounds(TVOCs) in hospital was 103.9787.39/, that was lower than guideline of KMOE. The highest concentration of VOCs in hospital was 19.0713.47/ for Toluene. The distribution of VOCs in hospitals was log-normal distribution. As the result of Monte carlo simulation, the distribution of VOCs in hospitals was log-normal distribution with the exception of Toluene with normal distribution.
Keywords : HAPs, TVOC, Hospital, Public facilitiy,