9 3ȣ, September 2012
ISSN : 1738-4125 (Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509 (Online)
An Investigation of Asbestos Distribution on Bulk Samples According to Building Types in Chungbuk Area
This study was performed to investigate the asbestos contents on bulk samples of 4 building types(public, commercial, residential, school) in chungbuk area and collected from june 3, 2010 to July 10, 2011. We classified the bulk samples into the regulated asbestos containing building materials(ACBM) and architecture materials by 4 building types at removal and disposal sites. The results were as follows.
The detection rate of the ACBMs were found mainly public(86.6%), and residential (82.1%) buildings. The founded asbestos were chrysotile and amosite. Compared with 4 building types, the contents of chrysotile in public, commercial, residential and school were 32.6% (3-70%), 43.9% (5-87%), 39.6(5-72%) and 46.7%(range 4-89%), respectively. The miscellaneous materials were found chrysotile and a mixed form with chrysotile and amosite for 4 building types.
In the architecture materials, the contents of chrysotile was found mainly in slate (11.4%, range 2-37%). The slate in residential had high asbestos content of chrysotile (15.9%, range 1-31%). The textiles which collected from 4 building types were found chrysotile, the mixed form. The contents of chrysotile in cement flat board in public, commercial, residential and school were 8.9% (2-24%), 7.1% (1-16%), 7.9%(1-29%) and 3.7%(1-9%), respectively.
In conclusion, this study is suggested that it should be contributed to manage the ACBM in 4 building types and to protect the health of workers at building removal sites.
Keywords : Asbestos, Chrysotile, Amosite, Asbestos containing building materials.