dzȯ ȸ
13 2ȣ, June 2014
ISSN : 2288-9167 (Print)
ISSN : 2288-923X (Online)
Distribution of asbestos and comparative analysis for rating scales
of risk assessment methods in school buildings, Seoul
We investigated the distribution of asbestos in Seoul for 16 school buildings built before and after 1990, including
kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. The risk assessment standards of AHERA,
HSE and ASTM were reviewed and a comparative analysis of assessment standards was conducted in school
buildings. For the risk assessment of 16 schools, 170 samples were selected, each of which was assessed using
standards of AHERA, HSE and ASTM. The school buildings included the ACM (asbestos containing materials)
ranged 3-4% of chrysotile and 1-3% of amosite in classroom ceilings and has 7-8% chrysotile in partitions of student
toilets. The airborne concentrations of fiber materials were ranged with 0.002-0.022 fiber/cc in school buildings
by PCM. In this study, a simplified rating scale was used three categories of Good, Damaged and Significantly
Damaged. In the result of comparative analysis for the risk assessment criteria, it was found that 113 samples, 132
samples and 82 samples were classified as Good when assessed by AHERA, HSE and ASTM, respectively; and
46 samples, 29 samples and 53 samples as Damaged, respectively; and 12 samples, 8 samples and 34 samples as
Significantly Damaged, respectively. From the distribution of asbestos and the comparative analysis for the risk
assessment criteria, the management plan and new risk assessment were made based on the Korea background
should be established to control asbestos exposure to students from damaged ACM and will be revealed that the
assessment for the current condition and potential for disturbance on asbestos in school buildings.
Keywords : ACMs (asbestos-containing materials), Chrysotile, Amosite, Risk assessment, Airborne astobestos