dzȯ ȸ
13 3ȣ, September 2014
ISSN : 2288-9167 (Print)
ISSN : 2288-923X (Online)
Comparison of air dilution sensory test and threshold odor number method
for odor evaluation of wastewater and lake water
The object of this study is to investigate the relationship between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold
odor number (TON) method for evaluating the odor of domestic wastewater, plating plant wastewater, food plant
wastewater and lake water. The dilution factor of raw wastewater evaluated by the air dilution sensory test was
in the order of food plant > plating plant > domestic > lake, and that evaluated by the threshold odor number
method was in the order of food plant > domestic > plating plant > lake. The same results were obtained when
the raw wastewater and lake water were diluted 2 and 5 times with pure water. The relative geometric standard
deviation determined from the threshold values of each panel on the air dilution sensory test was much larger
than that calculated from results derived from the threshold odor number method. The relative geometric standard
deviation obtained from samples with a low dilution factor was greater. There was a very good linear correlation
(correlation coefficient = 0.968~1.000) between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number method.
But, the reduction in odor intensity (the slopes of regression curves) by dilution was dependent on the types of
the odor-emission sources.
Keywords : Malodorous substance, Sensory test, Threshold odor number, Wastewater, Dilution factor