2 1ȣ, August 2005
ISSN : 1738-4125 (Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509 (Online)
Ventilation System Comprising a Dielectric Barrier Discharger and UV‐TiO2 Photocatalyst Filters for Simultaneous Removal of Gaseous and Particulate Contaminants in the Test Chamber
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A ventilation system comprising a dielectric barrier discharger and UV‐TiO2 photocatalyst filters was designed and tested for simultaneous removal of gaseous and particulate contaminants in a test chamber. The DBD was used as the 1st stage of ESP for particle charging and gas decomposition. Charged particles were collected in the 2nd stage of ESP by an applied DC electric field. The UV‐TiO2 photocatalyst filters were used for decomposing gaseous species including O3 which was inherently produced by the DBD. Particle removal efficiencies based on mass and number were approximately 83.0% and 88.8%, respectively, after the ventilation system was operating for 5 hours. HCHO removal efficiency was approximately 100% for 15ppm of upstream concentration condition. TVOC removal efficiency was 99.0% and 99.6% for 1ppm and 5 ppm of upstream concentration conditions, respectively.
KeywordsIAQ, Ventilation, Air cleaning, Nonthermal plasma, DBD, UV‐photocatalyst