dzȯ ȸ
14 3ȣ, September 2015
ISSN : 2288-9167 (Print)
ISSN : 2288-923X (Online)
Study on effect of exposure to electromagnetic field emitted from power line on health of elementary school students
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) exposure on the health
of elementary school students. A total of 103 students 12~13 years old were chosen for the study. The experimental
group consisted of 56 students who went to school near an overhead powerline. The ELF exposure and
environmental hazard factors were evaluated during a 24-hour exposure period. The body and dwelling
characteristics of the students as well as disease occurrence related to the respiratory system and allergies were
investigated through a questionnaire. The brain wave and electrocardiogram were also inspected. The exposure
of the group exposed while at a school located near a powerline was 6.8 mG (p<0.01). Based on the questionnaire
results, neither the body or dwelling characteristics of the two groups were affected by the ELF emitted from
powerline. There was no significant difference between the two groups in relation to the rate of occurrence of
respiratory diseases such as wheezing, asthma and bronchitis. Although brain waves of the group exposed to ELF
were lower than that of the group not exposed to it in terms of absolute power of gamma and beta, there is no
significant difference between the health status of the two groups. According to our study, school students who
lived near a power line were exposed to higher ELF levels than those away from a power line. The two groups
have significant differences inBrain wave and ECG, but this change doesn\'t mean there is a difference in health
status. Finally, our study has a limitation in terms of the number of study subjects and the restricted area examined.
Keywords : Electromagnetic field, Transmission line, Elementary school student, Subjective symptoms, ECG, EEG