3 3ȣ, September 2006
ISSN : 1738-4125 (Print)
ISSN : 2287-7509 (Online)
Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in the Analysis
of VOC in the Indoor Environment
Uncertainty evaluation was performed for the measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC) in indoor air. The analytical procedure and result were validated by evaluating every uncertainty source related to the measurement method. An easy approach for uncertainty evaluation for indoor VOC measurement was tested using relative standard uncertainty method which is simple in the evaluation of a measurement uncertainty in case of indoor VOC measurement. The measurement uncertainties of toluene, ethylbenzene, m+p-xylene, styrene and o-xylene in indoor air are obtained as less than or close to 10%, and those results were validated by using Gum-workbench uncertainty evaluation program. Based on the evaluation, uncertainties were found to come largely from two major sources; uncertainty related to the concentration of standard Tenax tube which was used for calibration in measurement, and the to air sampling process. This study could be used as a good example in evaluating uncertainties in the measurement of indoor-air VOC at buildings including a newly-built apartment.
keywordsMeasurement uncertainty, VOC, Indoor Air, Relative standard deviation, Gum-workbench