A Survey of Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) in Newly Built Apartments at Honam Province /
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Volatile Organic Compounds in the Indoor Air between Houses of Atopy, Asthma Patients and New Houses /
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Comparison of test methods for toluene removal performance of air cleaners /
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A Survey on the Indoor Air Quality of Some School Classroom in Gyeongbuk area /
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The Distribution Characteristics of the Hazardous Agents in Indoor Environment of Some Vessels /
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The Variation in Concentration of Indoor Air Pollutants in relation with charges in Airtight Time at New Apartment /
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An Experimental Study of Body Weight Fluctuating Effects and Living Environment of Mice in relation with structural materials for Housing /
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Numerical Study on the Effects of Air Conditioning in Office of Personal Partitions /
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Characteristics of Ozone Emission and Negative Ion Generation for Indoor Air Cleaners /
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: ()ѱdzȯȸ / ǥ : ȣ / ּ : (06160)Ư 63 12, 330ȣ (Z, LG ŬƮ B)ڵϹȣ : 206-82-07500 / ȭ: 02-2294-1510 / ѽ: 02-2294-0160 / ̸: kosie@hanmail.net Copyright ()ѱdzȯȸ, All right reserved.