Numerical Study on Infection Probability by Patient\'s Sneezing in a Ventilated Ward /
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Health risk assessment of trace elements exposure through multi-pathways in children\'s facilities : focused on elementary-schools and academies /
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Characterization of PM2.5 and PM10 concentration distribution at public facilities in Korea /
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Performance test of formaldehyde and toluene sorption for functional building materials in Korea /
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Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from PM2.5 in the Public Facilities /
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A Study of Current Asbestos Removal Workplace Environment /
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Collection Efficiency and Air Cleaning Capacity of Two-Stage Electrostatic Precipitator for Its Application to Indoor Air Cleaning /
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An Investigation of Asbestos Distribution on Bulk Samples According to Building Types in Chungbuk Area /
: ()ѱdzȯȸ / ǥ : ȣ / ּ : (06160)Ư 63 12, 330ȣ (Z, LG ŬƮ B)ڵϹȣ : 206-82-07500 / ȭ: 02-2294-1510 / ѽ: 02-2294-0160 / ̸: Copyright ()ѱdzȯȸ, All right reserved.