Building of head nose exposure inhalation system and particle size distribution characteristics /
Ե κγ ġ ں Ư
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A study of bacterial concentration and species in the indoor air of green houses used for shiitake cultivation /
ǥ dz
A study on the PM10 and TBC characteristics at elementary school rooms in Korea /
ʵб dz PM10 TBC Ư
Decomposition of odorous VOCs ion-plasma process /
뼺 VOCs ظ ̿ ö
Emission characteristics of airborne particles and bacteria from household vacuum cleaners /
ûұ 뿡 ̼ ̻ Ư
Odor dispersion simulation around an isolated building using the SST k- model /
SST k- ̿ ǹ ֺ 빰 Ȯ
A study on radon emission assessment of building materials in South Korea /
翡 ⷮ
Improving the indoor air quality of newly-built schools with the bake-out method /
ũ ƿ(bake-out) б dz ȿ
Indoor, outdoor, and personal exposure to VOCs and NO2 in the vicinity of Gwangyang industrial complex /
α ֹ ýdz ֹȭչ ̻ȭ
Analysis of error cases induced with regard to the calculation of the dilution factor during the proficiency test of certified odor measurement agencies /
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A study on health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds in child-care center /
ֹ ȭչ ǰ ؼ
On the reduction of odors in residential areas adjacent to odor management areas /
Ȱǿ å
A study on the odor threshold values of the fatty acids and VOCs of specified offensive odor substances /
The relationship between indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity in two types of residence /
, ̴뿱, ̱⿵*, John D. Spengler, ٹ, µ
Effect of amine compounds on biological oxidation of methane /
ź ȭ ġ ƹΰ ȭչ
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