Factors influencing indoor radon concentration in detached houses /
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A study on the effects of residents perception of odor to their subjective odor sensitiveness - focusing on the ochang industrial complex area - /
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Evaluation of the reduction rate of radon concentration, following free measurement of indoor radon and the alarm device installation /
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A study on the health effect to determine an H2S emission standard for incinerators /
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Estimation of particulate matters in subway tunnels using a kriging method /
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Decaying characteristics of pig carcass disposal by trench burial method using compost /
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Investigation of bacterial diversity in sciaridae flies collected in greenhouses used for shiitake cultivation /
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Study on the estimation of configuration ratio of ion compound with carbonate in subway /
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Effects of sampling method using moisture condensation tube (MCT) on the detected odor concentration /
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Performance characteristics of a single-stage electrostatic precipitator for removal of dust in subway tunnels /
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Characteristics of ELF-MF emissions levels from underground cable lines near daycare centers in Seoul, Korea /
: ()ѱdzȯȸ / ǥ : ȣ / ּ : (06160)Ư 63 12, 330ȣ (Z, LG ŬƮ B)ڵϹȣ : 206-82-07500 / ȭ: 02-2294-1510 / ѽ: 02-2294-0160 / ̸: kosie@hanmail.net Copyright ()ѱdzȯȸ, All right reserved.